UX Patterns for Search & Navigation
Because we are all looking for something, this patterns help people find and accomplish their tasks. Usually seen as navigation hierarchy, collapsable menus and other visual clues.
284. Top Tooltip on Link Hover
284. Top Tooltip on Link Hover
264. Figma - Interactive Background Animation
264. Figma - Interactive Background Animation
175. Tab Preview on Hover State
175. Tab Preview on Hover State
353. Population Pyramid - Visualizations with live filters
353. Population Pyramid - Visualizations with live filters
336. Floating Popover on Click
336. Floating Popover on Click
333. Static Tooltip with Steps
333. Static Tooltip with Steps
318. Binance - Tooltip on Features
318. Binance - Tooltip on Features
176. Wordpress.com - Natural Inputs with Suggestions
176. Wordpress.com - Natural Inputs with Suggestions